Reid family doubling down on Nevada rancher who stood up to feds
Harry Reid and his family appear to be taking the recent defiance by Nevada rancher Clive Bundy personally, with Reid’s con now joining his father in calling for the federal government to take the rancher down.
Last weekend, the federal government decided to withdraw scores of armed park rangers and alleged snipers surrounding the Bundy ranch after the alternative media and conservative talk shows shined the light on what was occurring in Nevada.
The situation at times seemed tense with concerns the incident could develop into another Ruby Ridge or Waco where innocent civilians were killed by armed federal agents.
During the standoff, which some have called a range war; Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) remained silent on the events, despite the current Bureau of Land Management chief Neil Komze being a former senior advisor to the majority leader.
However, once the federal agency backed down, Reid suddenly decided to weigh in on the issue.
“We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it’s not over,” Reid said during an interview with KRNV-TV.
The following day, the majority leader’s son Rory Reid also went after Bundy. Appearing on the same TV station, Rory Reid says rather than try to come to a peaceful agreement over the various issues raised by Bundy, he wants to see the rancher prosecuted and put in jail.
“We believe in a country in which we are subject to laws and you can’t just ignore the laws we don’t like. I think clearly if state and local prosecutors look at this more closely, they’re going to find that he broke the law and he should be prosecuted,” Reid said.
“He is not a victim and he’s not a hero. He’s been using what he doesn’t own for over 20 years and he didn’t pay. He broke the law. There are hundreds of ranchers throughout Nevada that conduct their profession honorably. There’s thousands of them throughout the country and when they have a dispute with the BLM they try to work it out.”
During the standoff with federal officials newly discovered BLM documents revealed the agency was considering plans to use the land for a solar farm.
Both Harry and Rory Reid have been outspoken supporters of attempts by Chinese-backed ENN Mojave energy LLC to build a solar plant in nearby Clark County, which prompted some to ask if the Reid family has a financial interest in getting Bundy off of the property.